Our Donors
We are grateful to all the generous individuals and community partners for their contributions that enhanced and enriched library programming and services throughout Pioneer Library System communities in 2023.

Become a Donor
Visit our Contribute page to find out how you can make a donation to the Pioneer Library System Foundation.
Community Partners

Cleo L. Craig Foundation
The Wegener Foundation
Freddie Lee Gift Fund
Lowry Planned Giving Society
Donors Who Have Included the Foundation in their Estate Plan
- Anonymous
- Ann Hammond
- Harry Victor Knapp
Masters Society
Donors Who Have Given to Our Endowment
- Sharon Saulmon
Sherman Society
Donors Who Have Given $1,000+
- Lisa Collins
- Freddie Lee Gift Fund
- Richard & Judith Henry
- Kristi Morgan
- The Opie Fund
- Diana Petross
- Jim & Cindy Rosenthal
- Gary & Gail Roulet
- Mary Sherman
- Teresita Valentas
- Sue Winterringer
Pioneer Society
Donors Who Have Given $500-$999
- Leesa Adams
- Paula & William Baker
- Bank of America Corporation
- Jared Cail
- Harris Foundation
- Nancy Kruckeberg
- Than & Sally Maynard
- Jeff Miles
- Alan & Jana Moring
- Jerry Ryan
Friends of the Foundation
Pioneer Library System Staff
- Anonymous (5)
- Kris Baggerly
- Darrie Breathwit
- Phil Clark*
- Susan Conway
- Amanda Day
- Chris Hennes
- Meghan Hollingsworth
- Samuel McCann
- Will Merrick**
- Ann Miller
- Katie Pendley
- Angela Robertson
- Valerie Robinson
- Aiden Street
- Lisa Wells*
*Pioneer Society Member
**Sherman Society Member

Help Our Foundation
Create Bright Futures
Our generous donors help us strengthen literacy and a love of learning throughout the Pioneer Library System. To learn more about the positive impact we make on our community, please contact us.