Your Generosity in Action: Fall Update

Posted October 26, 2023

Reflecting On a Year of Meaningful Impact – Thanks to You

The leaves are changing colors, and the air is crisp, ushering in a season of thankfulness. We want to express our deepest appreciation for your incredible generosity and its impact on our community. 

Your thoughtful contributions have allowed us to give countless individuals the gift of literacy and a love of learning, empowering them to reach their full potential. Here are some highlights from the past year that showcase the incredible impact of your generosity: 

Distributed 5,135 books to children in low-income families, nurturing a love for reading and providing caregivers with valuable Early Literacy resources
Supported the Summer Learning Challenge, which engaged 9,719 children, teens, and adults in 22 million minutes of reading and learning this summer
Invested $156,000+ in STEAMCommunity Conversations, Upward Mobility, and Health programming in every PLS branch, impacting more than 92,000 community members
Provided resources for nearly 350 Growing Like a Read reading-readiness kits and helped fund the Dolly Parton Imagination Library book gifting program for children from birth to age 5

Touch A Truck – A Memorable Day of Fun and Exploration

Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, volunteers, and attendees, Touch A Truck was a memorable experience for over 2,000 children and families in our community.

Held the morning of Saturday, September 23, at the Cleveland County Fairgrounds, the event featured a wide range of vehicles, including fire trucks, emergency vehicles, and a special appearance by the OU Sooner Schooner! Children had the opportunity to explore and interact with these vehicles up close, and the smiles on their faces were priceless. 

Proceeds from the event will enhance and enrich children’s programming in PLS’s six Cleveland County branches. 

Self-Care at the Library

Whether you’re looking to de-stress, improve your mental health, or learn some new recipes, PLS offers health and wellness programs for all ages and abilities. Here’s a peek at some upcoming opportunities to take care of yourself this fall:

  • Healthy Brain, Healthy Mind: Vision Boards
  • Get Moving with Resistance Band Exercise
  • Healthier You: Yoga for Beginners
  • Eat Smart: Cookbook Club – Fix It & Freeze It
  • Get Moving with Move and Groove
  • Healthy Brain, Healthy Mind: Meditation

Visit for a complete schedule of activities happening at your library.

Health Literacy programs are funded in part by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services / Oklahoma Department of Libraries and gifts from donors like you! 

Joy and Excitement at The Royal Games

The Royal Games was an absolute hit! This first-time event was held at the beautiful Hillside Manor in Goldsby on October 5. It exceeded our expectations, with over 150 children and caregivers enjoying a fun, royal-themed evening.

Cinderella, Robin Hood, and Belle interacted with the kids as they enjoyed various activities, including painting, jousting, croquet, story time, archery, and “sword” making in the PLS Mobile Maker Lab. Witnessing the joy and excitement on their faces throughout the event was heartwarming! We are grateful for the many community partners and volunteers who made the evening a success.

Proceeds from The Royal Games will enhance programming and services at PLS’s McClain County branches, Blanchard Public Library, Newcastle Public Library, and Purcell Public Library.